
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A New Blog

All, I am blogging once again, after several years of little to no posting.
But not here.
I'm posting on a new blog:
I debated about whether or not I should simply pick up this blog once more, but decided against it because the reasons I am blogging again are different from the reasons I blogged before.  Before I would blog whatever was on my mind.  Often it was political.  Sometimes it was a video that I found interesting.  The result was it lacked cohesion, and didn't have a purpose that was worth the discipline of blogging (for me, it is a discipline).
I now have more specific reasons for blogging: to be accountable, to be encouraging, and to point my fellow Christians to Christ as we follow Him together.
To be accountable:  In particular, I am memorizing Scripture as a New Year's resolution, and keeping you all updated with my progress will help me to stay on task.  I'm sure that there are other ways this new blog will serve this purpose.
To be encouraging:  I hope that as you read what I am doing, what I am thinking, and how God is leading me, it will be encouraging to you as a fellow believer.
To point you to Christ:  The Christian life is not ultimately about a way to walk, a set of rules to follow, a religion, going to church or a group of people to fellowship with (although it is or includes these things).  It is ultimately about Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who became sin for us to reconcile us to God.  Christ is ultimate in everything and permeates everything in a Christian's life.  If your eyes are on Him, you will not stray.  Take your eyes off of him, and you will sink.  It is my hope that what I write on my new blog will consistently point you to Christ.

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